Saturday, 28 January 2012

Post 9: I am Not a Runner - January 2012


Welcome to the first blog entry of 2012, a year that promises so much. As well as running (think ‘doing’ is probably a more appropriate word) the New York Marathon I have some wonderful things to look forward to and achieve this year.
The most significant is that I have been selected to be a Torch Bearer of the Olympic Flame. When I first received the email it didn’t really sink in, in fact I don’t think it will completely until the day I do it (Friday 25th May). I feel very honoured to have even been nominated so to actually have been selected is very special and will be a wonderful day for my family, friends and everyone who has supported The Joanna Brown Trust. After all, it’s because of The JB Trust that I have been selected so we are all looking forward to using it as a celebration of what we have achieved in Jo’s memory. More details about that over the next few months.
Right, on to the running. It’s been good. I’ve started to go out on the roads more and think I am starting to overcome the initial psychological barriers. I have this silly thing where just before I go out for a run I think ‘I hope I can make it otherwise it’s going to be really demoralising’. I’m not going any great distance and have completed a number of runs successfully now, it’s just still not having the confidence I can run for any distance / time. I’m always slightly amazing when I make it back! The work I’ve been doing in the gym is definitely paying off and so that also adds as an extra incentive to keep that part of my training up. Overall, I am starting to see the improvements and that acts as a great motivation to keep going.
As I mentioned in my previous blog, I now have the Adidas MiCoach which tracks your speed, heart rate etc... Unfortunately I didn’t get off to the best start with it. The first time I went to use it I didn’t turn it on (don’t ask me why!), the second I did turn it on but forgot to press start, and then the third time I did all of the above but then didn’t sync it up to the computer correctly. The most worrying thing is it is really easy to use and all completely my fault. Now that I have got it working it is really useful. The most useful information I find at the moment is the speed I’m going. When I’m on the treadmill I run at 10km/h and when on the roads I run at around 8.5km/h. I run for longer and further on the roads so am happy with that pace. The plan is to continue to run faster in the gym as a means of variety and to keep challenging myself.
The other interesting element of the MiCoach is the heart rate monitor. It tracks it all the way during my runs and there is a pattern developing. After around 10 – 12mins my heart rate actually drops and I seem to find a ‘rhythm’. Have I found the 1st wall????
When I am out running I sometimes catch a reflection of myself or see my shadow and I just think ‘I do not look like a runner!’. I’m not sure what a runner should actually look like but I’m definitely not it. I am starting to enjoy it and I am seeing improvements so maybe I will become a runner eventually, but in the mean time I’ll just have to pretend to be one...
Until next time...


Monday, 2 January 2012

Post 8: Lets Talk Numbers - December 2011


Welcome to the final blog entry of 2011 (albeit being written on 2nd Jan 2012). Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. This is my 8th entry and I'm starting to worry I'll eventually run out of things to say. 2012 is set to be a really fantastic year so hopefully you'll stick with me as there is so much to look forward to and achieve.

The training this month has been good. Nothing spectacular or groundbreaking, just keeping things going. Being a month that includes my birthday and Christmas it was never going to be anything else. One thing I've learnt since starting this blog is to be realistic with your targets. There was a time a few months ago when I was starting to get frustrated and putting too much pressure on myself. Having spoken to many friends and fellow runners (I feel like I'm cheating using the term 'fellow' but you know what I mean) I realise that the New York Marathon is still a long way away. Most marathon training programmes are about 16 weeks long, I've still got 11 months.

Having said that, a 16 week programme is fine providing you are in some kind of decent physical shape (which I'm not). The key things for me at the moment is giving myself a good platform of general fitness. Not being a runner and having never done anything this physically demanding before I'm not 100% sure how my body will react. Getting injured is already a concern and so I am trying to take things slowly. It's been really useful talking to Bruce and Kelly (friends of mine that ran the Edinburgh marathon for The JB Trust) as they seem to understand both where I am at the moment, in terms of fitness, and where I am trying to get to.

For Christmas, Katie (my wife) bought be the Adidas MiCoach. It has three parts, a heart rate monitor, a sensor / chip to put in your shoe and a device that clips to the top of your shorts. The device records the information from the heart rate monitor and the chip in your shoe. You then plug it in to your computer and it tells you all the stats about your run including stride length, speed etc...

I am really looking forward to using this as it will be great to have some actually evidence of the progress I'm making. It will also help when people ask me about how the training is going. When people ask me how the training is going I feel like I'm cheating them by just saying I'm in the gym most of the time and am not really running yet. I'm sure some of them think it's an excuse for not actually running (I'd probably think the same). I really am grateful for the about of support and interest this challenge seems to already have and it will be nice to share the information I'll get from my Adidas MiCoach with them.

2012 promises to be a really fantastic year. I've got lots to look forward to and some incredibly special things to do (more about those in the months to come). I hope you've had a good Christmas and are as excited about the year ahead as I am.

Here's to 2012...
